Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I know its been a while...so heres an update.

Well as many of you know we are planning on moving to Louisville, Kentucky for Brandon to start on his masters at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He was planning on starting this fall, but due to some circumstances with his BA degree he is getting at Tennessee Temple University he will not be able to start until January. We are planning on moving there this summer (this weekend to be exact) to get settled, get job(s) before he started school. But as of right now, we can't find any apartments because they want you to have a job BEFORE you get there and the ones that don't care if you have a job just aren't good apartments according to reviews, things like shootings, murder, mold and fires just doesn't seem like a place we want to live ya know? So today I just kind of broke, its stressful not knowing where we are going to live and how we are going to make money and get good work schedules so that we don't have to put Morgan in a day care, I just hate the thought of that, I didn't have a baby for someone else to raise her, ya know?  I know some people don't have any other choice but to put their kids in day care, and that's not bad it is just not something I want to do...at all. 
Honestly, it scares me to death to move up there without any family and really not knowing to many people maybe a handful. Maybe that is what I need, maybe I need to get outta of my comfort zone and be stretched a little bit or maybe a lot. Maybe I need to learn how to depend on Christ's alone all over again. I learned that truth while in Argentina for a few months a couple years ago, it was hard truth to learn to tell you the truth, but after learning it God provided me an incredible friend (Sarah D'Attoma).  But maybe I need to be reminded of that truth again. Maybe I am to dependent on people. I will admit it I think I am. I know I shouldn't be. But sometimes it is just so hard for me. I love being around people I love being near my family I love having them close to me. I love knowing that if I need anything they will be there in a heartbeat, I mean who wouldn't? But there is a difference between loving all that and NEEDING it, and I "NEED" it. What I NEED is to be totally reliant on my Savior and trust that He knows the best thing for us, because He does, and I know that, I just need to live it more then I do.
I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God will provide both jobs and a place to live and that I need to just trust Him.  But that is hard sometimes. It is so easy to just get discouraged and say well maybe we just aren't suppose to go there, maybe these are shut doors, and yeah they could be. But we know that Louisville, Kentucky is where we need to be. I know that our God will take care of our every single need. I know God will protect us. I know there will be hard times, but I know that being where God wants you is FAR better then being anywhere else in the world.
So if you think about it say a prayer for us, as we continue to pray for open doors to get up there. Pray for jobs. Brandon has filled out several applications and I am hoping once we get there I can get something going with photography and maybe something else while I get that started if I need to. Please be praying for housing. It is hard to find a place to live from 12 hours away! Pray that I won't be stressed and discouraged. Pray for wisdom.

There are finally blogged...I will try to do this more often. 

<3 Karla