Saturday, September 11, 2010

I want to be a light..

 So this song is by Addison Road whom I love and I have been meaning to share it for a while now but haven't had the chance to sit down and write anything...

There's a little flame inside us all
Some shine bright, some shine small
The rains will come and the waters rise
But don't you ever lose your light
In this life you will know
Love and pain, joy and sorrow
So when it hurts, when times get hard
Don't forget whose child you are
This little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine, gonna let it shine
May you live each day with no regret
Make the most of every chance you get
Let your eyes get wide when you look at the stars
With the same sense of wonder as a child's heart

With the ones you love treasure the time
And for those who are gone keep their memories alive
Hold on to your dreams don't ever let go
There's a fire inside you burning with hope
This little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine, gonna let it shine

There will be days when you want to give up
When the clouds settle in
But after the rain comes the sun
Don't you ever forget
One day there will be no more pain
And we will finally see Jesus' face
So until then I'm gonna try
To brave the dark and let my little light shine
This little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine, gonna let it shine
There's a little light inside us all 

We have now been in Louisville for about a month and so far I love it. I love working at Chikfila, I love having our own place, I love getting to be around Jess and Robbie again, I love our church, there are just so many things that I love about being here, granted it has had its ups and down but for the most part I just LOVE being here and I know this is right where God wants us.
We live in an apartment complex that most people wouldn't consider "the best" and at first I didn't either and I mean its still not the best. But once you get to know the people they are really nice and all love Morgan of course. I am continually learning that I must love people the way Christ loves us. There are so people around Morgan and I EVERYDAY that I just want to love and be a light too. I think that' s what I like this song so much because it hits home to now for me. I want to be a light. There are people I see everyday that our lost in this dark world and going to hell. I want to be the light for them. I want them to see a difference in me and my family and I want them to want to know what it is. I don't want to be scared to talk to them about Christ because of what they may think, instead I want to be bold in my manner of life and scared for them to spend eternity in hell. I want to be a light.  Sometimes I think I need to get to know them better before I talk to them about Christ, but I don't and I know that, its just another excuse not to do it. And that is so selfish of me to think that at any given time of the day any of us could die and if its not me then I will be left here thinking why I didn't I tell them I saw them everyday. I want to be a light to them. I want to love them unconditionally no matter their race, their attitude, the sexuality, the way they talk, or act or dress, or even if I think they are weird or that they may never talk to us again who cares, they all need Jesus no  matter any of that. I want to be a light.

So that is my prayer, that I will be a light to the people I come in contact with everyday. That I will have the boldness to tell them about Christ. I want to be a light.  I will be a light. 
And if you think about it, please pray for me with this. And I will pray for you as I know there are people yall see everyday that yall can be a light to as well. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Kentucky Here We Come!

Well after almost 2 months of being in Jacksonville after we thought were we were going to be up in Kentucky, the Lord opened up some doors! Brandon went up to Kentucky 2 weekends ago for a job interview to work on campus at Southern and praise the Lord he got the job. On Monday when he left and about an hour outside of Louisville, he got a call from his job here in Jacksonville saying that they had to lay off their newest employees him being one of them, during that time the owner at a Chik-fil-a up there either called or text him I am not sure saying that wanted to interview him, so he turned around because Southern was only a part time job so he would need another job as well. So he interviewed with Bruce from chikfila and got hired FULL TIME. During the time he was there that weekend Jess and Robbie also went there to see him and while they were there they decided to move there as well...YES! What an answer to pray for me! I really wanted some family there with us and for God to provide a friend well He did both! He is so great!
So the weekend came and I called a lady about be a nanny for her two kids, turns out they want someone who would not be bringing a child with them, so that was out for me. So Brandon called Bruce from Chikfila and asked if he was still hiring and all that and if I could get an interview as well. He ended up hiring me WITHOUT even talking to me! So we both have jobs as well as Robbie and Jess who will be working there too!
Then yesterday we got an apartment reserved for us! YES!
It was like God totally shut the door for us staying here for any longer when Brandon lost his job here and then opened tons of doors up in Kentucky. It is just sooo awesome to see how God works when you know you are going to where He wants you to go.  He just had different timing then we did and I am so thankful that He did. I just have such a peace now about moving there. We wont have to put Morgan in daycare the owner at Chikfila said he would work the schedule so that one of us will always be able to watch her. Praise the Lord! Jess and I are going to be able to do photography again together which I am so excited about, so thankful for that!
Brandon left on Sunday to start his job at Chikfila on Monday, so he is there now and Morgan and I will be joining up we are thinking next weekend, praying that works out!
It has just been so cool to watch how God works in all of this to get us up there.
I am very sad about leaving all my family here, but am so thankful for the time we have had here and being able to spend this time with them. I am glad they were able to watch Morgan grow as much as they did and just so thankful for the time she has got to be with all of them. They will have to visit ALOT ;)

Needless to say I am excited about starting this new adventure with my family in a new place, nervous but definitely excited!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I know its been a heres an update.

Well as many of you know we are planning on moving to Louisville, Kentucky for Brandon to start on his masters at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He was planning on starting this fall, but due to some circumstances with his BA degree he is getting at Tennessee Temple University he will not be able to start until January. We are planning on moving there this summer (this weekend to be exact) to get settled, get job(s) before he started school. But as of right now, we can't find any apartments because they want you to have a job BEFORE you get there and the ones that don't care if you have a job just aren't good apartments according to reviews, things like shootings, murder, mold and fires just doesn't seem like a place we want to live ya know? So today I just kind of broke, its stressful not knowing where we are going to live and how we are going to make money and get good work schedules so that we don't have to put Morgan in a day care, I just hate the thought of that, I didn't have a baby for someone else to raise her, ya know?  I know some people don't have any other choice but to put their kids in day care, and that's not bad it is just not something I want to all. 
Honestly, it scares me to death to move up there without any family and really not knowing to many people maybe a handful. Maybe that is what I need, maybe I need to get outta of my comfort zone and be stretched a little bit or maybe a lot. Maybe I need to learn how to depend on Christ's alone all over again. I learned that truth while in Argentina for a few months a couple years ago, it was hard truth to learn to tell you the truth, but after learning it God provided me an incredible friend (Sarah D'Attoma).  But maybe I need to be reminded of that truth again. Maybe I am to dependent on people. I will admit it I think I am. I know I shouldn't be. But sometimes it is just so hard for me. I love being around people I love being near my family I love having them close to me. I love knowing that if I need anything they will be there in a heartbeat, I mean who wouldn't? But there is a difference between loving all that and NEEDING it, and I "NEED" it. What I NEED is to be totally reliant on my Savior and trust that He knows the best thing for us, because He does, and I know that, I just need to live it more then I do.
I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God will provide both jobs and a place to live and that I need to just trust Him.  But that is hard sometimes. It is so easy to just get discouraged and say well maybe we just aren't suppose to go there, maybe these are shut doors, and yeah they could be. But we know that Louisville, Kentucky is where we need to be. I know that our God will take care of our every single need. I know God will protect us. I know there will be hard times, but I know that being where God wants you is FAR better then being anywhere else in the world.
So if you think about it say a prayer for us, as we continue to pray for open doors to get up there. Pray for jobs. Brandon has filled out several applications and I am hoping once we get there I can get something going with photography and maybe something else while I get that started if I need to. Please be praying for housing. It is hard to find a place to live from 12 hours away! Pray that I won't be stressed and discouraged. Pray for wisdom.

There are finally blogged...I will try to do this more often. 

<3 Karla

Monday, April 26, 2010

Well here I go...

So Brandon has finally convinced me to do a blog, so here I am. I am by NO means a writer. This is just going to be my thoughts, whether it be to talk about my quiet time for the day, something I am learning or am excited about, stuff about Morgan or updates about our Family. I am going to try my best to keep up with it as much as I can. But most importantly I want all of this to point people to Christ so they may know Him better. I want to be honoring and glorifying to Him in all that I say and do. 
So hang tight and I will be posting again soon! :)